How to See Wolves in Yellowstone National Park

On January 12, 1995 gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park, correcting the eradication man had inflicted on this keystone species from most of the western United States. After decades, it was again possible to see wolves in Yellowstone! Many people are understandably fascinated with wolves. They have been glorified and vilified in story, Continue Reading →

Glacier National Park Hiking: The Best National Park for Hikers

Yellowstone has our vote for the top national park in the world, but Glacier National Park is unquestionably the best national park in the United States for hiking. Granted, there are great hikes in many US national parks. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, Bryce and Zion National Parks in Utah, Olympic National Park in Washington, Continue Reading →

Yellowstone National Park is the Best National Park in the World

Yellowstone National Park was the first national park established in the world. I am confident in saying it is also the best national park in the world. There are other incredible national parks in the United States and worldwide. Yosemite for its dramatic granite domes and other formations, Zion for its slot canyons, Patagonia for Continue Reading →

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